Todat thursday april 6th we looked in POP-I-STORY, the scientifics events which's occured a month of april.
In our data base we found 156.
We show you 10.
1874 04 28 Birth of Guglielmo Marconi - telegraph 's inventor
1953 04 23 Discover of DNA by Francis Crick and James Watson
1955 04 16 New word - computer- invented by Jacques Perret
1955 04 16 Beginning of vaccination against polio via Docteur Salk.
1955 04 18 Death of Albert Einstein - Physician -
1961 04 12 First man in space : Youri Gagarine on board of the rocket “Vostok I”.
1962 04 21 World Fair in Seattle.
1970 04 17 3 astronauts of Apollo 13 came backon earth alives
1975 04 04 Foundation of Microsoft by Bill Gates and Paul Allen
1995 04 20 First woman to go to the Pantheon : Marie Curie
Tomorrow april 7th we will show you the fashion's events .