Today, february 06th, we looked in POP-I-STORY, scientific events which occured the month of february qui se sont déroulés un mois de février.
We found 110 events.
We show you 12.
1634 02 10 Trial of Galilée.
1847 02 11 Birth of Thomas Alva Edison - Inventor of electric light
1922 02 07 Élection of Marie Curie to The Medicine Academy
1933 02 13 First Radio between Vatican and the pope Pie XI to villa Castel Gandolfo established by Guglielmo Marconi
1958 02 01 First satellite Us in orbit Explorer I
1962 02 20 First astronaute to be in orbit around earth : John Glenn in board of the rocket Atlas “ Friendship 7
1967 02 18 Death of Julius Robert Oppenheimer - Physician / Leader of the program of the first Atomic Bomb
1969 02 20 First human heart (intended to serve transplantation ) preserved for more than 20 minutes.
1997 02 23 Birth of 6LL3, Lamb Dolly a cloneof an another animal in Scotland
1998 02 02 Death of Haroun Tazieff - Vulcanologue
1998 02 03 Discovered of Aids's virus in the blood frozen since 1959 of a man bantou in Kinshasa - It is the oldest virus of the AIDS
2003 02 01 Catastrophe 7 astronauts ( Michael Anderson/ David Brown/ Kalpana Chawla/ Laurel Clark/ Rick Husband/ William Mc Cool/ Ilan Ramon) died in the esplosion of the shuttle Columbia.
Tomorrow, february 7th we will show you what 's occured in the world of arts during the month of february no matter the years...