Today, january 31st we looked in POP-I-STORY, the covers of the french magazine "Salut Les Copains".
We show you 10 covers.
In our data base we found 169 covers of the Magazine and just know in our Library we got the orginals.
1962 09 Cover "Salut les copains" - Elvis Presley - 2 -
1963 01 Cover "Salut Les copains" - James Dean- 6 -
1963 06 Cover"Salut les copains" - Sylvie Vartan et Johnny Hallyday - 10 -
1964 03 Cover "Salut Les copains" - Les Beatles - 20 -
1964 11 Cover "Salut les copains" - Steve McQueen - 28 -
1965 08 Cover "Salut les copains" - The Rolling Stones - 37 -
1966 03 Cover "Salut les copains" - Françoise Hardy - 44 -
1966 10 Cover "Salut les copains" - Michel Polnareff - 51 -
1967 03 Cover"Salut les copains" - Claude François - 56 -
1973 06 Cover "Salut les copains" - 130 - Mike Brant -
Tomorrow, february 1st we show you the commercials of the year 1958.